Founded By A Nursing Team Led By Critical Care Nurses

Request a Callback

  • 700 E Park Blvd, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75074
  • Phone Number 469-579-4711

  • Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00 PM
    Sat - Sun: On call
Dedication to health

Solace Healthcare Services was founded by two registered nurses with over 30 years of critical care experience caring for patients with acute and chronic conditions in the intensive care unit (ICU).

They understand the vital importance of continuity of care and disease management outside the hospital to prevent readmission or poor outcomes. Moreover, they believe the future of healthcare is at home. Therefore, their primary goal is to make available hospital quality care better to anyone needing or requiring care in the comfort of their home, and in the presence of their loved ones.

Julius Cho and Anjeh Simaze-Cho

Julius & Anjeh

Solace Healthcare Services is led by nurses who want to make a difference. Together Julius and Anjeh have over 30 years of nursing experience and created a home healthcare agency that focuses on the best plan of care for their patients.

Anjeh Simaze-Cho

Anjeh Simaze-Cho MS, FNP, RN

Anjeh is a Nurse Practitioner and the Administrator at Solace Home Healthcare Services. With 20 years of nursing experience, Anjeh uses her skills to ensure patients with the agency receive the attention and care they deserve.

Julius Cho

Julius Cho RN, BSN

Julius is a Registered Nurse, Owner, and the Community Liaison at Solace Home Healthcare Services. With 17 years of nursing experience, Julius has taken his knowledge to build a home healthcare agency that thrives with integrity, kindness and understanding.

Connect with Us

Take the first step toward your health goals. Access quality healthcare services in your home by calling us today.